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Protek GI
Davis Equine’s Full Online Pharmacy
For those who are looking for a new online pharmacy with competitive pricing to other online pharmacies….Davis Equine Sports Medicine continue to offer our full online pharmacy and you can use this handy new QR code to get you there faster. Give our pharmacy a look…All your requests go immediately to one of our veterinarians for products that require authorization.
Help Your Horse Feel Their Best
Loch Moy Area 2 Championships and Horse Trials
Colleagues Working Together
Today was a great example of colleagues working together to help our equine athletes…It takes a team sometimes and if you have colleagues willing to work together, excellence in veterinary medicine can happen!
Case 1:
Drs. Davis and Delaney recently saw a case that had a suspect fetlock injury that was no longer as responsive as should be expected to traditional and regenerative intra-articular therapies. Here you can see the radiograph that prompted the need for a contrast CT to fully highlight the scope of the injury and therefore allowing the doctors at Davis Equine to make a potential surgical approach to this injury…So here we had sports medicine veterinarians, along with a radiologist, and now surgeons working in a collaborative effort to help this equine athlete get back to competing.
Case 2:
Here was a severe eye case brought to us today, Dr. Davis immediately recognized the need for a specialist and brought Dr. Nunnery into the case to consult….within hours this mare was able to be at the hospital having surgery performed by her. This is a simple example of colleagues working together for the best outcome of the equine athlete!
Drs. Davis started Davis Equine Sports Medicine and Virgina Equine Rehabilitation and Performance Center (VRC) to help equine athletes near and far, maintain/return to their highest level of performance. We do this in a collaborative effort with our experts that make our team stronger and more complete thru excellence in collaboration.